(一)亮點開發案件(Key Investment Projects):
序 號 No. | 案件名稱 Case |
案件資訊Information |
1 |
高速鐵路臺南車站特定區產業專用區(武東段279、280地號)開發經營案 Commercial / Manufacturing Park Development and Management Project of the Tainan High Speed Rail (HSR) Station Special District (Lot 279,280, Sec. Wudong) |
2 | 安東街土地開發案 Land Development of Andong St |
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3 |
高雄市鳳山車站開發大樓整建營運移轉案 |
4 | 臺中港20A、20B水域暨觀光遊憩商業區土地投資興建暨租賃經營商港設施案 Investment and Operation of Wharves No.20A-20B Water Area and Tourism & Recreation Land Area, Port of Taichung |
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5 |
郵政物流園區北臺灣郵件作業中心倉儲空間公開招租案 |
6 |
郵政物流園區營運中心空間招租案 |
7 | 郵政物流園區資訊中心空間招租案 The public tender for space renting of Data Center in Postal & Logistic Park |
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(二)民間參與公共建設案件列表(Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects):
序 號 |
案件名稱 |
主辦機關 |
預計民間投資金額(仟元) |
預計公告時程 |
案件資訊 |
1 |
員林火車站周邊土地都市更新事業都市更新案 Urban Renewal of Land around Taiwan Railway Yuanlin Station |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
2,372,000 | 112/9 | 下載 |
2 |
高雄市鳳山車站開發大樓整建營運移轉案 The ROT project of Fengshan Train Station, Kaohsiung City |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
861,000 | 113/3 | 下載 |
3 |
安東街土地開發案 Land Development of Andong St |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
6,230,000 | 113/12 | 下載 |
4 |
屏東火車站周邊地區都市更新案 Urban Renewal Development and Investment Plan of land on the east side of Pingtung Station Project |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
3,904,000 | 112/11 | 下載 |
5 |
高雄火車站前車專區四、五土地開發案 The Station Zone of fourth and fifth land development projects in the front train area of Kaohsiung Railway Station |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
2,460,000 | 113/12 | 下載 |
6 |
桃園火車站站區土地開發案 Private Participation Land Development of Taoyuan Railway Station |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
8,600,000 | 113/12 | 下載 |
7 |
中壢火車站站區土地開發案 Private Participation Land Development of Zhongli Railway Station |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
9,400,000 | 113/12 | 下載 |
8 |
臺中市北區水源段土地開發案 Private Participation Land Development of Taichung City North District Shuiyuan Section |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
1,900,000 | 114/12 | 下載 |
9 |
高速鐵路臺南車站特定區產業專用區(武東段279、280地號)開發經營案 Commercial / Manufacturing Park Development and Management Project of the Tainan High Speed Rail (HSR) Station Special District (Lot 279,280, Sec. Wudong) |
交通部鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
7,200,000 | 已公告 Announced |
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10 |
高速鐵路嘉義車站特定區事業發展用地開發經營案 Business and Land Development and Management Project of the Chiayi High Speed Rail (HSR) Station Special District |
交通部鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
2,200,000 | 已公告 Announced |
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11 |
高速鐵路嘉義車站特定區產業專用區開發經營案 Commercial / Manufacturing Park Development and Management Project of the Chiayi High Speed Rail (HSR) Station Special District |
交通部鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
4,870,000 | 已公告 Announced |
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12 |
高速鐵路左營車站附屬事業開發大樓租賃案 The Ancillary Enterprises Development Building for Lease of the Zuoying High Speed Rail (HSR) Station |
交通部鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
1,000,000 | 113/7 | 下載 |
13 | 屏東縣大鵬灣風景特定區(遊一區及遊艇港區)國際觀光遊憩設施興建(或增建、改建及修建)營運移轉案 International Sightseeing Facilities Build(or Rehabilitate)-Operate-Transfer(BOT、ROT、OT) of the Rec-reational Zone one and Yacht harbour Zone of Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area in Pingtung County |
交通部觀光署大鵬灣國家風景區管理處 Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Headquarters, Tourism Administration, MOTC |
2,000,000 | 112/12 | 下載 |
14 |
大鵬灣風景特定區(遊二區)國際級休閒園區新建營運移轉案 Construction, operation and transfer of international leisure park in the second tourist area of Dapeng Bay Scenic Area |
交通部觀光署大鵬灣國家風景區管理處 Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Headquarters, Tourism Administration, MOTC |
1,300,000 | 112/12 | 下載 |
15 |
屏東縣大鵬灣風景特定區(遊三區)國際觀光遊憩設施興建營運移轉案 International Sightseeing Facilities Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) of the Third Recreational Zone of Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area in Pingtung County |
交通部觀光署大鵬灣國家風景區管理處 Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Headquarters, Tourism Administration, MOTC |
1,500,000 | 112/12 | 下載 |
16 |
民間自行規劃申請參與花蓮縣鳳林鎮鳳林遊憩區興建營運轉移轉計畫案 Announcement of Solicitation of Application for Private Participation under Own Planning in the Project for Build-operate-transfer of the Fenglin Recreation Area of Fenglin Township, Hualien County |
交通部觀光署花東縱谷國家風景區管理處 East Longitudinal Valley National Scenic Area Headquarters, Tourism Administration, MOTC |
200,000 | 113/2 | 下載 |
17 |
花蓮縣鯉魚潭觀光旅館新建營運移轉案 Tourist Hotel Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Project in Liyu Lake Area of Hualien County |
交通部觀光署花東縱谷國家風景區管理處 East Longitudinal Valley National Scenic Area Headquarters, Tourism Administration, MOTC |
690,000 | 112/12 | 下載 |
18 |
新北市貢寮區龍洞南口海洋公園及遊艇港營運移轉案 Operate-transfer Private Participation Project of Longdong S. Ocean Park and Longdong Marina in Gongliao Dist., New Taipei City |
交通部觀光署 Tourism Administration, MOTC |
33,000 | 112/12 | 下載 |
19 |
松山機場商務航空中心設置及經營案 Establishment and Operation Project of Business Aviation Center in Songshan Airport |
交通部民用航空局 Civil Aviation Administration, MOTC |
700,000 | 112/12 | 下載 |
20 |
臺北國際航空站停車場委託經營案 Taipei International Airport Parking Lot Entrustment Operation |
交通部民用航空局 Civil Aviation Administration, MOTC |
30,000 | 113/Q2 | 下載 |
21 | 高雄機場免稅菸酒商店出租經營 The public tender for space renting of Duty-free tobacco and alcohol shop in Kaohsiung Airport |
交通部民用航空局 Civil Aviation Administration, MOTC |
768,000 | 112/11 | 下載 |
22 | 澎湖國內商港金龍頭營區招商案 Penghu Domestic Commercial Port Jin-Long-Tou Project |
交通部航港局 Maritime Port Bureau, MOTC |
130,000 | 113/Q1 | 下載 |
23 | 桃園國際機場貨二土地經營案 Land Management Project of Taoyuan International Airport Land |
桃園國際機場股份有限公司 Taoyuan International Corporation Ltd. |
1,216,000 | 112/Q4 | 下載 |
24 | 郵政物流園區北臺灣郵件作業中心倉儲空間公開招租案 The public tender for warehouse space renting of The North Taiwan Mail Operating Center in Postal & Logistic Park |
中華郵政股份有限公司 Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. |
480,000 | 已公告 Announced |
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25 | 郵政物流園區營運中心空間招租案 The public tender for space renting of Operations Center in Postal & Logistic Park |
中華郵政股份有限公司 Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. |
284,000 | 已公告 Announced |
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26 | 郵政物流園區資訊中心空間招租案 The public tender for space renting of Data Center in Postal & Logistic Park |
中華郵政股份有限公司 Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. |
896,000 | 已公告 Announced |
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27 | 苗栗頭份郵局新建局屋節餘場地招租案 Miaoli Toufen Post Office's case for leasing the remaining space in the new building |
中華郵政股份有限公司 Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. |
54,000 | 112年6月(已於112/7/14決標) 2023/6 (TenderAwarding Date:2023/7/14) |
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28 | 蘇澳港觀光轉運專區招商案 Special Zone for Tourism and Transfer, Port of Suao |
臺灣港務股份有限公司基隆分公司 Port of Keelung, Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. |
800,000 | 113/12 | 下載 |
29 | 臺北港物流倉儲區第2-1期倉1-6後線場地招商案 Unit 1-6 at the 2-1 phase of Logistics and warehousing terminal of Port of Taipei |
臺灣港務股份有限公司基隆分公司 Port of Keelung, Taiwan International Ports Corp., Ltd. |
450,000 | 113/6 | 下載 |
30 | 高雄港前鎮商港區第2、3單元土地招商案 Investment of the land units 2 and 3 of Logistics & Warehousing Zone in Qianzhen, Port of Kaohsiung |
臺灣港務股份有限公司高雄港務分公司 Port of Kaohsiung, Taiwan International Ports Corp., Ltd. |
1,637,000 | 112年7月(已於112/9決標) 2023/7 (TenderAwarding Date:2023/9) |
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31 | 一德新村都市更新招商計畫案 Urban Renewal Investment Plan of Yide Villages |
臺灣港務股份有限公司基隆分公司 Port of Keelung, Taiwan International Ports Corp., Ltd. |
4,124,000 | 113/Q2 | 下載 |
32 | 臺北港交通服務區土地招商案 Transportation Service Area, Port of Taipei |
臺灣港務股份有限公司 Taiwan International Ports Corp., Ltd. |
300,000 | 112/12 | 下載 |
33 | 臺中港20A、20B水域暨觀光遊憩商業區土地投資興建暨租賃經營商港設施案 Investment and Operation of Wharves No.20A-20B Water Area and Tourism & Recreation Land Area, Port of Taichung |
臺灣港務股份有限公司臺中港務分公司 Port of Taichung, Taiwan International Ports Corporations, Ltd. |
1,270,000 | 已公告 Announced |
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34 | 高雄港第四貨櫃中心後方土地B區 The Rear Area (Area B) of the 4th Container Terminal, Port of Kaohsiung |
臺灣港務股份有限公司高雄港務分公司 Port of Kaohsiung, Taiwan International Ports Corp., Ltd. |
228,000 | 113/Q3 | 下載 |
35 | 安平港漁光島沙灘招商案 Investment of Yuguang Island Beach, Port of Anping |
臺灣港務股份有限公司高雄港務分公司 Port of Kaohsiung, Taiwan International Ports Corp., Ltd. |
150,000 | 112/Q4 | 下載 |
36 | 高雄港21號碼頭後線土地招商投資案 Wharf no.21 rear land, Port of Kaohsiung |
高雄港區土地開發股份有限公司 Kaohsiung Port Land Development Co., Ltd. |
10,000,000 | 112/Q4 | 下載 |
37 | 蓬萊商港區4-7號碼頭後線土地招商案 Kaohsiung Port Warehouse Cluster Phase II Renovation and Operation Lease Invitation |
高雄港區土地開發股份有限公司 Kaohsiung Port Land Development Co., Ltd. |
2,000,000 | 112/Q4 | 下載 |
38 | 桃園中壢龍岡東寮段土地招商案 Land for Leasing Project at the Taoyuan City Zhongli District Dongliao Section Land serial no.325-6 |
中華電信股份有限公司 Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. |
350,000 | 113/Q1 | 下載 |
39 | 高雄岡山劉厝段土地招租案 Land for Leasing Project at the Kaohsiung City Gangshan District Liucuo Section Land serial no.16,16-1 and 16-2 |
中華電信股份有限公司 Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. |
290,000 | 112/Q4 | 下載 |
(三)大型工程採購案件列表(Procurement Projects of Government Infrastructure):
序 號 No. |
案件名稱 Case |
主辦機關 Authority-in-Charge |
預計民間投資金額 (仟元) Estimated Investment Amount (Expressed in thousands of NTD) |
預計公告時程 (年/月) Estimated announcement schedule |
案件資訊 Information |
1 | 瑞芳車站整建工程 The Renovation Project in Ruifang Station |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
180,000 | 112/12 | 下載 |
2 | 臺鐵電務智慧化提升計畫(號誌遠端狀態智慧化監控系統工程-委託規劃設計含監造技術服務) Taiwan Railway Smart Electrical Systems Upgrade Plan (Signaling Remote Condition Monitoring System Project, Design and Construction Supervision on Service Project) |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
38,700 | 111年9月(已於112/1/5決標) 2022/9 (TenderAwarding Date:2023/1/5) |
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3 | 苗栗站增設電扶梯及既有雨遮整建工程 Miaoli Station addition of escalators and renovation of existing rain shelters |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
131,000 | 113/4 | 下載 |
4 | 鐵路工程維修車25輛 Attach crane track motor car qty 25 vehicles |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
840,000 | 112/11 | 下載 |
5 | 軌框搬運機7套 7 sets of Track Skeleton Transporting Device |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
367,000 | 112年3月(已於112/6/6決標) 2023/3 (TenderAwarding Date:2023/6/6) |
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6 | 大型、中型砸道車、整碴車、穩定車等4項 Major Track Tamping Machine, Medium Track Tamping Machine, Ballast Distributing Machine, Track Stabilization Machine 4 items |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
3,329,000 | 112年5月(已於112/9/22決標) 2023/5 (TenderAwarding Date:2023/9/22) |
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7 | 臺鐵電務智慧化提升計畫(平交道防護設備更新工程)-支線平交道電子式控制邏輯系統工程 TRA Intelligent Electrical Engineering Upgrade Project (Branch Line Crossing Level Electronically Control Logic Project) |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
560,000 | 112/12 | 下載 |
8 | 宜蘭線K47+650防坍架新建工程 New construction of K47+650 to Prevent soil and rock from slipping |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
23,000 | 112年7月(已於112/7/28決標) 2023/7 (TenderAwarding Date:2023/7/28) |
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9 | 大溪站無障礙電梯及天橋新建工程 Daxi Station New Construction Accessible elevator and pedestrian bridge |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
32,000 | 112/11 | 下載 |
10 | 國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司-光纖監測系統更新 Taiwan Railway Administration- Fiber Monitoring System Updates |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
55,000 | 112/12 | 下載 |
11 | 臺鐵電務智慧化提升計畫(第三代中央行車控制中心暨相關系統)工程採購案 TRA Intelligent Electrical Engineering Upgrade Project (3rd General Centralized Traffic Control Building) |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
41,000 | 112/12 | 下載 |
12 | 國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司-環島自動電話系統更新工程採購案 Taiwan Railway Administration- Round Island Automatic Telephone System Renewal Project Procurement Case |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
330,000 | 已公告 Announced |
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13 | 臺中工務段豐富道班新建工程 Taiwan Railways Administration Fengfu Station Workshop Construction Project |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC |
30,000 | 112年3月(已於112/3/9決標) 2023/3 (TenderAwarding Date:2023/3/9) |
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14 | 臺鐵都會區捷運化桃園段地下化建設計畫-CJ12標桃園車站路段鐵路地下化工程 TRA Rapid Transit Systematize in Metropolitan Area and Taoyuan Underground Railway Construction Project – CJ12 Taoyuan Station Section Underground Engineering |
交通部鐵道局北部工程分局 Northern Region Engineering Branch Office, Railway Bureau, MOTC |
11,700,000 | 112/7-112/11 | 下載 |
15 | 臺鐵都會區捷運化桃園段地下化建設計畫-CJ13標中路車站路段鐵路地下化工程 TRA Rapid Transit Systematize in Metropolitan Area and Taoyuan Underground Railway Construction Project – CJ13 Zhonglu Station Section Underground Engineering |
交通部鐵道局北部工程分局 Northern Region Engineering Branch Office, Railway Bureau, MOTC |
16,300,000 | 112/7-112/11 | 下載 |
16 | 臺鐵都會區捷運化桃園段地下化建設計畫-CJ16中原車站路段鐵路地下化工程 TRA Rapid Transit Systematize in Metropolitan Area and Taoyuan Underground Railway Construction Project – LOT CJ16 Chung Yuan Station Section Underground Engineering |
交通部鐵道局北部工程分局 Northern Region Engineering Branch Office, Railway Bureau, MOTC |
17,500,000 | 112/7-112/11 | 下載 |
17 | 臺鐵都會區捷運化桃園段地下化建設計畫-CJ17標中壢車站路段鐵路地下化工程 TRA Rapid Transit Systematize in Metropolitan Area and Taoyuan Underground Railway Construction Project - LOT CJ17 Zhongli Station Section Underground Engineering |
交通部鐵道局北部工程分局 Northern Region Engineering Branch Office, Railway Bureau, MOTC |
15,500,000 | 112/7-112/11 | 下載 |
18 | CE03標鐵道技術研究及驗證中心C3檢測驗證設備廠房土建工程 Contract CE03,C3 Plant Building Construction of Railway Technology Research and Verification Center |
交通部鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
292,000 | 112年6月(已於112/7/17決標) 2023/6 (TenderAwarding Date:2023/7/17) |
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19 | CU05施工標A14車站土建、水環工程 Contract No.CU05 Project A14 Station Civil, MEP & ECS Work |
交通部鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
2,112,000 | 112年6月(已於112/7/25決標) 2023/6 (TenderAwarding Date:2023/7/25) |
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20 | 臺鐵都會區捷運化桃園段地下化建設計畫-CJ14標桃園醫院車站路段鐵路地下化工程 TRA Rapid Transit Systematize in Metropolitan Area and Taoyuan Underground Railway Construction Project – CJ14Taoyuan Hospital Station Section Underground Engineering |
交通部鐵道局北部工程分局 Northern Region Engineering Branch Office, Railway Bureau, MOTC |
4,800,000 | 113/3 | 下載 |
21 | 臺鐵都會區捷運化桃園段地下化建設計畫-CJ15標內壢車站路段鐵路地下化工程 TRA Rapid Transit Systematize in Metropolitan Area and Taoyuan Underground Railway Construction Project – CJ15 Neili Station Section Underground Engineering |
交通部鐵道局北部工程分局 Northern Region Engineering Branch Office, Railway Bureau, MOTC |
9,600,000 | 113/7 | 下載 |
22 | 臺鐵都會區捷運化桃園段地下化建設計畫-SJ11標號誌電子聯鎖系統工程 TRA Rapid Transit Systematize in Metropolitan Area and Taoyuan Underground Railway Construction Project – SJ11 Sign Electronic Interlocking System Engineering |
交通部鐵道局北部工程分局 Northern Region Engineering Branch Office, Railway Bureau, MOTC |
1,065,000 | 114/3 | 下載 |
23 | 嘉義市區鐵路高架化計畫C613標水上車輛基地工程 ender C613 of Shuishang train base engineering, Elevated Railway Project at the Urban Area of Chiayi |
交通部鐵道局中部工程分局 Central Region Engineering Branch Office, Railway Bureau, MOTC |
7,180,000 | 112/12 | 下載 |
24 | 「花東地區鐵路雙軌電氣化計畫」CB02標光復至瑞穗土建及軌道工程採購案 Railway dual-track electrification plan in Hualien and Taitung area Construction works of civil and track from Guangfu to Ruisui, LOT CB02 |
交通部鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
8,839,000 | 112年10月(已於112/11/16決標) 2023/10 (TenderAwarding Date:2023/11/16) |
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25 | 「花東地區鐵路雙軌電氣化計畫」CB03標三民至玉里土建及軌道工程採購案 Railway dual-track electrification plan in Hualien and Taitung area Construction works of civil and track from Sanmin to Yuli, LOT CB03 |
交通部鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
4,400,000 | 已公告 Announced |
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26 | 「花東地區鐵路雙軌電氣化計畫」CB04標東里至關山土建及軌道工程採購案 Railway dual-track electrification plan in Hualien and Taitung area Construction works of civil and track from Dongli to Guanshan, LOT CB04 |
交通部鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
8,976,000 | 暫無法招標 open tender work(stop) |
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27 | 「花東地區鐵路雙軌電氣化計畫」CB05標關山(不含)至山里土建及軌道工程採購案 Railway dual-track electrification plan in Hualien and Taitung area Construction works of civil and track from Guanshan(not included) to Shanli, LOT CB05 |
交通部鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
11,401,000 | 已公告 Announced |
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28 | 「花東地區鐵路雙軌電氣化計畫」PB01A標光復至玉里電車線工程 Railway dual-track electrification plan in Hualien and Taitung area (from Guangfu to Yuli), LOT PB01A |
交通部鐵道局東部工程處 Eastern Region Engineering Offices, Railway Bureau, MOTC |
880,000 | 已公告 Announced |
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29 | 「花東地區鐵路雙軌電氣化計畫」PB02A標台東至知本電車線工程 Railway dual-track electrification plan in Hualien and Taitung area (from Guangfu to Taitung), LOT PB02A |
交通部鐵道局東部工程處 Eastern Region Engineering Offices, Railway Bureau, MOTC |
316,000 | 112年10月(已於112/11/6決標) 2023/10 (TenderAwarding Date:2023/11/6) |
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30 | 「花東地區鐵路雙軌電氣化計畫」SB01標電訊、號誌電子聯鎖、SCADA、變電站及電力搖控系統工程 Railway dual-track electrification plan in Hualien and Taitung area, LOT SB01 |
交通部鐵道局東部工程處 Eastern Region Engineering Offices, Railway Bureau, MOTC |
5,399,000 | 已公告 Announced |
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31 | 「臺鐵車站美學與功能提升計畫」CF01標康樂至大武站改善工程 The reconstruction of aesthetics and features of southern railway station of TRA Station Construction works of civil from Kangle to Dawu, CF01 |
交通部鐵道局東部工程處 Eastern Region Engineering Offices, Railway Bureau, MOTC |
402,000 | 112年8月(已於112/10/3決標) 2023/8 (TenderAwarding Date:2023/10/3) |
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32 | 「臺鐵車站美學與功能提升計畫」CF02標-內獅至南州站改善工程 The reconstruction of aesthetics and features of southern railway station of TRA Station Construction works of civil from Neishi to Nanzhou, CF02 |
交通部鐵道局東部工程處 Eastern Region Engineering Offices, Railway Bureau, MOTC |
125,000 | 112年5月(已於112/7/3決標) 2023/5 (TenderAwarding Date:2023/7/3) |
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33 | 國道1號新營服務區賣場改建及基地空間調整改善工程 Freeway No. 1 Xinying Service Area Improvement Project |
交通部高速公路局 Freeway Bureau, MOTC |
790,000 | 112/12 | 下載 |
34 | 國道1號增設岡山第二交流道工程 Gangshan Second Interchange on National Freeway No.1 |
交通部高速公路局 Freeway Bureau, MOTC |
4,380,000 | 113/12 | 下載 |
35 | 高速公路後續路段橋梁耐震補強工程(區段3-1)第M18A標-國1銅鑼大雅段暨大安溪橋 The Project of Taiwan Freeway Bridges Seismic Retrofit(Section 3-1)Project M18A |
交通部高速公路局 Freeway Bureau, MOTC |
2,709,000 | 已公告 Announced |
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36 | 高速公路後續路段橋梁耐震補強工程(區段3-1)第M39A標國3竹南大甲段暨國1新竹段 The Project of Taiwan Freeway Bridges Seismic Retrofit(Section 3-1)Project M39A |
交通部高速公路局 Freeway Bureau, MOTC |
1,481,000 | 112/11 | 下載 |
37 | 高速公路後續路段橋梁耐震補強工程(區段3-1)第M51標國5南港頭城段 The Project of Taiwan Freeway Bridges Seismic Retrofit(Section 3-1)Project M51 |
交通部高速公路局 Freeway Bureau, MOTC |
216,000 | 112/12 | 下載 |
38 | 高速公路後續路段橋梁耐震補強工程(區段3-2)第M18B標-國1彰化系統大林段 The Project of Freeway Bridges Seismic Reinforcement (Section 3-2), Lot M18B |
交通部高速公路局 Freeway Bureau, MOTC |
386,000 | 已公告 Announced |
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39 | 高速公路後續路段橋梁耐震補強工程(區段3-2)第M18C標-國1高科高雄段 The Project of Freeway Bridges Seismic Reinforcement (Section 3-2), Lot M18C |
交通部高速公路局 Freeway Bureau, MOTC |
381,000 | 112/12 | 下載 |
40 | 高速公路後續路段橋梁耐震補強工程(區段3-2)第M61標-國6全線 The Project of Freeway Bridges Seismic Reinforcement (Section 3-2), Lot M61 |
交通部高速公路局 Freeway Bureau, MOTC |
1,303,000 | 112/11 | 下載 |
41 | 臺灣桃園國際機場第三跑道及基礎設施計畫第一階段工程 the 1st Stage Works for “Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport 3rd Runway and Aerodrome Infrastructure Project (Tender No.X002X) |
交通部高速公路局 Freeway Bureau, MOTC |
6,189,000 | 112年5月(已於112/7/21決標) 2023/5 (TenderAwarding Date:2023/7/21) |
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42 | 台1線水底寮路段外環道工程 Shuidiliao Section Outer Ring Road Project of Provincial Highway No.1 |
交通部公路局南區養護工程分局 Southern Region Branch Office, Highway Bureau, MOTC |
923,000 | 112/12 | 下載 |
43 | 台66線6K+500-9K+100段平交路口高架化改善工程 Provincial Highway 66 section 6K+500-9K+100 Elevated Intersection Improvement Project |
交通部公路局北區公路新建工程分局 Northern Region New Construction Branch Office, Highway Bureau, MOTC |
2,200,000 | 已公告 Announced |
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44 | 國道10號里港交流道至新威大橋新闢道路美濃至六龜段(9K+980~17K+989)工程 New Construction Project from Ligang Interchange to Xinwei Bridge of Meinong to Liouguei (9K+980~17K+989) on National Expressway No. 10 |
交通部公路局南區公路新建工程分局 Southern Region New Construction Branch Office Highway Bureau, MOTC |
10,418,000 | 113/3 | 下載 |
45 | 高雄國際機場新航廈工程計畫-第一期建設計畫-東側立體停車場新建統包工程 New turnkey project for East Parking Garage of Kaohsiung International Airport New Terminal Construction project phase 1 |
交通部民用航空局 Civil Aviation Administration, MOTC |
1,980,000 | 已公告 Announced |
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46 | 高雄國際機場新航廈工程第一期建設計畫-A滑行道北移統包工程 Turnkey project for Shifting Taxiway A northward of Kaohsiung International Airport New Terminal Construction project phase 1 |
交通部民用航空局 Civil Aviation Administration, MOTC |
2,820,000 | 113/1-113/2 | 下載 |
47 | 七美及望安機場整體外觀風貌新建及改建工程 Qimei and Wangan Airport overall appearance of new construction and reconstruction projects |
交通部民用航空局 Civil Aviation Administration, MOTC |
432,000 | 112/9-113/1 | 下載 |
48 | 蘭嶼及綠島機場整體外觀風貌新建及改建工程 Lanyu and Ludao Airport overall appearance of new construction and reconstruction projects |
交通部民用航空局 Civil Aviation Administration, MOTC |
442,000 | 112/9-113/1 | 下載 |
49 | 桃園國際機場供水水網改善及更換智慧水表案 Replacing smart water meter and building smart water management system for Taoyuan International Airport |
桃園國際機場股份有限公司 Taoyuan International Corporation Ltd. |
174,000 | 112/12 | 下載 |
50 | 臺北郵局公辦都市更新案委託規劃設計監造技術服務 Taipei Post Office Urban Renewal Project entrust plan design and supervise technical service |
中華郵政股份有限公司 Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. |
1,150,000 | 113/5 | 下載 |
51 | 中華郵政股份有限公司臺北信維大樓新建工程委託專案管理 The construction for Taipei Xing-Wei building of Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd Professional construction management |
中華郵政股份有限公司 Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. |
45,000 | 113/8 | 下載 |
52 | 基隆港東19碼頭改建工程 Rebuild Construction Project of Keelung port East 19 Wharf |
臺灣港務股份有限公司基隆港務分公司 Port of Keelung Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. |
300,000 | 113/3 | 下載 |
53 | 基隆港東5碼頭改建工程 Rebuild Construction Project of Keelung port East 5 Wharf |
臺灣港務股份有限公司基隆港務分公司 Port of Keelung Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. |
532,000 | 已公告 Announced |
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54 | 高雄港第四船渠碼頭及護岸整建工程採購案 Construction procurement for wharf and revetment renovation at fourth basin in port of Kaohsiung |
臺灣港務股份有限公司高雄港務分公司 Port of Kaohsiung, Taiwan International Ports Corp., Ltd. |
1,500,000 | 已公告 Announced |
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55 | 高雄港第三及第五貨櫃中心碼頭改建工程採購案 Kaohsiung Port Container Terminal 3&5 Quay Reconstruction Project |
臺灣港務股份有限公司高雄港務分公司 Port of Kaohsiung, Taiwan International Ports Corp., Ltd. |
3,985,000 | 112/Q4 | 下載 |
- 瀏覽人次:7104