(一)亮點開發案件(Key Investment Projects):
序 號 No. | 案件名稱 Case |
案件資訊Information |
1 |
臺鐵臺南車站城中樞紐開發計畫(下載投影片) |
2 | 屏東縣大鵬灣風景特定區(遊一區 及遊艇港區)國際觀光遊憩設施興建(或增建、改建及修建)營運移轉案(下載投影片) International Sightseeing Facilities Build(or Rehabilitate)-Operate-Transfer(BOT、ROT、OT) of the Rec-reational Zone one and Yacht harbour Zone of Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area in Pingtung County |
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3 |
大鵬灣風景特定區(遊二區)國際級休閒園區新建營運移轉案(下載投影片) The Construction, Operation, and Transfer (BOT) Project for the International Leisure Park in the Dapeng Bay Scenic Area (Tourism Zone 2). |
4 | 屏東縣大鵬灣風景特定區(遊三區)國際觀光遊憩設施興建營運移轉案(下載投影片) International Sightseeing Facilities Build-Operate-Transfer(BOT) of the Third Recreational Zone of Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area in Pingtung County. |
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5 |
基隆市威海營區舊址基地新建營運移轉案(下載投影片) Keelung City Former Weihai Military Site Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Project |
6 |
一德新村都市更新招商計畫案(下載投影片) Urban Renewal Investment Plan of Yide Villages |
(二)民間參與公共建設案件列表(Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects):
序 號 |
案件名稱 |
主辦機關 |
預計民間投資金額(億元) |
預計公告時程 |
案件資訊 |
1 |
員林火車站周邊土地都市更新事業都市更新案 Urban Renewal of Land around Taiwan Railway Yuanlin Station |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 State-owned Taiwan Railway Corporation |
23.72 | 113/9 2024/9 |
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2 |
桃園火車站站區土地開發案 Private Participation Land Development of Taoyuan Railway Station |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 State-owned Taiwan Railway Corporation |
86 | 114/12 2025/12 |
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3 |
中壢火車站站區土地開發案 Private Participation Land Development of Zhongli Railway Station |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 State-owned Taiwan Railway Corporation |
94 | 114/12 2025/12 |
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4 |
臺北市安東街土地開發案 Investment Projects of Taiwan Railway Corporation, Ltd.’s Asset Revitalization—Lot Andong St. Taipei City |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 State-owned Taiwan Railway Corporation |
54.85 | 113/12 2024/12 |
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5 |
臺中市復興路土地開發案 Investment Projects of Taiwan Railway Corporation, Ltd.’s Asset Revitalization—Lot Fuxing Rd. Taichung City |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 State-owned Taiwan Railway Corporation |
3.15 | 113/12 2024/12 |
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6 |
高雄市自立路土地開發案 Investment Projects of Taiwan Railway Corporation, Ltd.’s Asset Revitalization—Lot Zili Rd. Kaohsiung City |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 State-owned Taiwan Railway Corporation |
9.45 | 113/12 2024/12 |
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7 |
基隆光明街土地開發案 Investment Projects of Taiwan Railway Corporation,Ltd.’s Asset Revitalization—Lot Guanming Rd. Keelung City |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 State-owned Taiwan Railway Corporation |
12.2 | 113/12 2024/12 |
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8 |
臺鐵臺南車站城中樞紐開發計畫 Tainan Railway Station Urban Hub Development Plan |
國營臺灣鐵路股份有限公司 State-owned Taiwan Railway Corporation |
247 | 114/12 2025/12 |
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9 |
高速鐵路臺南車站特定區產業專用區(武東段279、280地號)開發經營案 Commercial / Manufacturing Park Development and Management Project of the Tainan High Speed Rail (HSR) Station Special District(Lot 279,280, Sec. Wudong) |
鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
72 | 113/8 2024/8 |
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10 |
高速鐵路嘉義車站特定區事業發展用地開發經營案 Business and Land Development and Management Project of the Chiayi High Speed Rail (HSR) Station Special District |
鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
22 | 113/11 2024/11 |
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11 |
屏東縣大鵬灣風景特定區(遊一區 及遊艇港區)國際觀光遊憩設施興建(或增建、改建及修建)營運移轉案 International Sightseeing Facilities Build(or Rehabilitate)-Operate-Transfer(BOT、ROT、OT) of the Rec-reational Zone one and Yacht harbour Zone of Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area in Pingtung County |
觀光署 Tourism Administration, MOTC |
11 | 已於111/8/31日起至111/11/30完成政策公告 Public Notice Phase (August 2022~November 2022) |
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12 |
大鵬灣風景特定區(遊二區)國際級休閒園區新建營運移轉案 The Construction, Operation, and Transfer (BOT) Project for the International Leisure Park in the Dapeng Bay Scenic Area (Tourism Zone 2). |
觀光署 Tourism Administration, MOTC |
40 | 已於111/9/30日起至111/12/30完成政策公告 Policy Announcement (2022.9.30~2022.12.30) |
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13 | 屏東縣大鵬灣風景特定區(遊三區)國際觀光遊憩設施興建營運移轉案 International Sightseeing Facilities Build-Operate-Transfer(BOT) of the Third Recreational Zone of Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area in Pingtung County. |
觀光署 Tourism Administration, MOTC |
13 | 已於111/12/9至112/3/10完成政策公告 Public Notice Phase (December 2022 – March 2023) |
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14 |
松山機場第一航廈設置人壽保險櫃檯經營案 The Insurance Service at Terminal 1, Taipei International Airport |
民用航空局 Civil Aviation Administration, MOTC |
0.37 | 114/10 2025/10 |
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15 |
高雄機場國際航廈出境大廳保險櫃檯出租經營 The Insurance Service at International Terminal Third Floor, Kaohsiung International Airport |
民用航空局 Civil Aviation Administration, MOTC |
0.89 | 114/09 2025/9 |
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16 |
基隆市威海營區舊址基地新建營運移轉案 Keelung City Former Weihai Military Site Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Project |
航港局 Maritime and Port Bureau, MOTC |
40.5 | 114/12 2025/12 |
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17 |
一德新村都市更新招商計畫案 Urban Renewal Investment Plan of Yide Villages |
臺灣港務股份有限公司 Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. |
41.24 | 114/06 2025/6 |
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18 |
高遠新村歷史建築招商案 Historical Building Investment Plan of Gao Yuan New Village |
臺灣港務股份有限公司 Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. |
0.3 | 113/12 2024/12 |
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19 |
臺北港交通服務區招商案 Transportation Service Area, Port of Taipei |
臺灣港務股份有限公司 Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. |
3 | 113/11 2024/11 |
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20 |
蘇澳港觀光轉運專區招商案 Special Zone for Tourism and Transfer, Port of Suao |
臺灣港務股份有限公司 Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. |
8 | 113/12 2024/12 |
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21 | 臺中港港埠產業發展專業區(1)87,600平方公尺土地興建營運投資案 Investment of Special Zone (1) for Port Industry Development, Port of Taichung |
臺灣港務股份有限公司 Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. |
21.61 | 114/12 2025/12 |
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22 | 臺中港港埠服務專業區(II)79,000平方公尺土地興建營運投資案 Investment of Port Service Zone (II), Port of Taichung |
臺灣港務股份有限公司 Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. |
36.59 | 114/12 2025/12 |
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23 | 高雄港第四貨櫃中心後方土地B區招商案 The Rear Area (Area B) of the 4th Container Terminal, Port of Kaohsiung. |
臺灣港務股份有限公司 Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. |
8.85 | 114/9 2025/9 |
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24 | 花蓮港物流專區招商案 Investment Project of Logistics Area, Port of Hualien |
臺灣港務股份有限公司 Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. |
2.19 | 114/10 | 下載 |
25 | 花蓮港親水遊憩區1~4號倉招商案 Tourist Recreation And Business Zone Warehouses 1-4 , Port of Hualien |
臺灣港務股份有限公司 Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. |
10.07 | 114/10 2025/10 |
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26 | 桃園航空貨運園區興建營運契約-第三期興建開發 Taoyuan Air Cargo Park-The third phase of construction |
桃園國際機場股份有限公司 Taoyuan International Airport Corporation Ltd. |
68 | 114/03完工 114/03,Completed |
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27 | 台北市南港區南港段四小段575地號辦公空間招商案 Business and Commercial Space Investment Project of Land Serial No. 575, Nangang Section 4th Subsection , Nangang District, Taipei City |
中華電信股份有限公司 Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. |
34.46 | 配合潛在業者提出申請期程適時辦理(114/12) | 下載 |
28 | 新北市新店區北新路一段86號21-22F辦公空間招商案 Business Space Investment Project of the 21~22F, No. 86, Section 1, Beixin Road, Xindian District, New Taipei City |
中華電信股份有限公司 Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. |
3.65 | 已公告,尋覓潛在業者(持續招商中) Open lease |
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29 | 桃園中壢龍岡東寮段土地招商案 Land for Leasing Project at the Taoyuan City Zhongli District Dongliao Section Land serial no.325-6. |
中華電信股份有限公司 Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. |
3.5 | 尋覓潛在業者中(持續招商中)(114/12)Open lease | 下載 |
30 | 高雄岡山劉厝段土地招商案 Land for Leasing Project at the Kaosiung City Gangshan District Liucuo Section Land serial no.16,16-1 and 16-2. |
中華電信股份有限公司 Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. |
2.9 | 尋覓潛在業者中(持續招商中)(114/12)Open lease | 下載 |
31 | 高雄港21號碼頭後線土地招商投資案 Private Investment and Business Attraction Project:Wharf no.21 rear land,Port of Kaohsiung |
高雄港區土地開發股份有限公司 Kaohsiung Port Land Development Co., Ltd. |
100 | 113/12 2024/12 |
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32 | 高雄港蓬萊港區4-7號碼頭後線土地投資招商案 Kaohsiung Port Warehouse Cluster Phase II Renovation and Operation Lease Invitation |
高雄港區土地開發股份有限公司 Kaohsiung Port Land Development Co., Ltd. |
20 | 113/12 2024/12 |
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(三)大型工程採購案件列表(Procurement Projects of Government Infrastructure):
序 號 No. |
案件名稱 Case |
主辦機關 Authority-in-Charge |
預計民間投資金額 (億元) Estimated Investment Amount (Expressed in one hundred million of NTD) |
預計公告時程 (年/月) Estimated announcement schedule |
案件資訊 Information |
1 | CG03標嘉義延伸計畫鐵路高架橋工程(高架段) Chiayi Urban Area Elevated Railway Extension Project –CG03 Viaduct engineering for Chiayi Urban Area Elevated Railway Extension Project |
鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
94.09 | 114/6 2025/6 |
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2 | CG02標嘉義延伸計畫臨時軌道、臨時軌電訊及電車線工程 Chiayi Urban Area Elevated Railway Extension Project –CG02 Construction work of rail, Telecommunication, and Overhead Catenary System for Temporary track. |
鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
14.82 | 114/2 2025/2 |
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3 | 「臺鐵都會區捷運化桃園段地下化建設計畫」-CJ11標鳳鳴車站路段鐵路地下化工程 TRA Rapid Transit Systematize in Metropolitan Area and Taoyuan Underground Railway Construction Project – CJ11 Fengming Station Section Underground Engineering |
鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
148.31 | 114/4 2025/4 |
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4 | 「臺鐵都會區捷運化桃園段地下化建設計畫」-CJ14標桃園醫院車站路段鐵路地下化工程 TRA Rapid Transit Systematize in Metropolitan Area and Taoyuan Underground Railway Construction Project – CJ14Taoyuan Hospital Station Section Underground Engineering |
鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
97.99 | 114/12 2025/12 |
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5 | 「臺鐵都會區捷運化桃園段地下化建設計畫」-CJ15標內壢車站路段鐵路地下化工程TRA Rapid Transit Systematize in Metropolitan Area and Taoyuan Underground Railway Construction Project – CJ15 Neili Station Section Underground Engineering | 鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
158.61 | 114/6 2025/6 |
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6 | 代辦「高鐵彰化站與臺鐵轉乘接駁計畫」田中支線鐵路新建工程-田中車站裝修工程Transfer and connection plan between HSR changhua station and taiwan railway Tianjhong branch line project of taiwan railways corporation – C011A Tianjhong station renovation and facility improvement Engineering |
鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
1.2 | 113/11 2024/11 |
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7 | 「嘉義市區鐵路高架化計畫」E603標骨幹傳輸系統工程 Elevated Railway Project at the Urban Area of Chiayi – E603 Backbone Transmission System Engineering. |
鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
0.7 | 113/11 2024/11 |
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8 | 代辦臺鐵「縱貫線三爺溪橋改建工程」 Agency responsible for the Taiwan Railways 'Reconstruction Project of the San-yei River Bridge on the Main Line.' |
鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
3.8 | 114/1 2025/1 |
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9 | 代辦臺鐵「南迴線加祿枋野間K11+100~K17+130等5處邊坡改善工程」 Agency responsible for the Taiwan Railways 'Slope Improvement Works at five locations along the South Link Line between Jialu and Fangye from K11+100 to K17+130.' |
鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
1.2 | 114/7 2025/7 |
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10 | CB01A標干城至壽豐土建及軌道工程 Railway dual-track electrification plan in Hualien and Taitung area – Construction Works Of Civil From Gancheng To Shoufeng, Lot CB01A |
鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
51.48 | 114/3 2025/3 |
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11 | CB01B標花蓮至干城土建及軌道工程Railway dual-track electrification plan in Hualien and Taitung area – Construction Works Of Civil From Hualien To Gancheng, Lot CB01B | 鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
154.88 | 114/10 2025/10 |
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12 | CB04標東里至關山土建及軌道工程 Railway dual-track electrification plan in Hualien and Taitung area– CONSTRUCTION WORKS OF CIVIL FROM DONGLI TO GUANSHAN, LOT CB04 |
鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
90.29 | 114/3 2025/3 |
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13 | PB01B 標花蓮至壽豐電車線工程 Railway dual-track electrification plan in Hualien and Taitung area, Construction Works Of OCS From Hualien To Shoufeng, Lot PB01B |
鐵道局 Railway Bureau, MOTC |
10.4 | 114/4 2025/4 |
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14 | 國道1號圓山橋延壽加固改善工程 Freeway No.1 of Yuan-Shan Bridge of Strengthening , Rehabilitation and Service Life Extension |
高速公路局 Freeway Bureau, MOTC |
14.88 | 114/5 2025/5 |
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15 | 國道1號甲線新建工程(第1標) Freeway No.1A Construction Project(The First Bid) |
高速公路局 Freeway Bureau, MOTC |
108 | 114/2 2025/2 |
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16 | 國道1號甲線新建工程(第2標) Freeway No.1A Construction Project(The Second Bid) |
高速公路局 Freeway Bureau, MOTC |
160 | 114/3 2025/3 |
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17 | 國道1號甲線新建工程(第3標) Freeway No.1A Construction Project(The Third Bid) |
高速公路局 Freeway Bureau, MOTC |
167 | 113/12 2024/12 |
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18 | 國道1號楊梅至頭份段拓寬工程 (楊梅新竹段)-湖口隧道段 The National Freeway No.1 Widening Project from Yangmei to Toufen(Section Yangmei to Hsinchu and Section Hsinchu to Toufen)-Hukou Tunnel |
高速公路局 Freeway Bureau, MOTC |
170 | 114/4 2025/4 |
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19 | 國道1號增設橋科匝道及集散道路工程 The Construction Project for the Addition of the Qiaotou Science Park Interchange and Collector-Distributor Roads on National Freeway No. 1. |
高速公路局 Freeway Bureau, MOTC |
23.82 | 114/10 2025/10 |
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20 | 國道8號台南系統交流道改善及跨南133路口立體化工程 Tainan System Interchange Improvement and Tainan Municipal Route No. 133 Grade-separated Intersection of National Freeway No. 8 Project |
高速公路局 Freeway Bureau, MOTC |
26.31 | 114/3 2025/3 |
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21 | 國道1號增設造橋交流道工程 Zaoqiao Interchange on National Freeway No.1 |
高速公路局 Freeway Bureau, MOTC |
19.76 | 114/3 2025/3 |
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22 | 台61線新竹段77K+250~85K+880平交路口改善工程 Intersection Improvement on Section 77K+040~85K+865 of Provincial Highway No. 61. (Hsinchu Section) |
公路局 Highway Bureau, MOTC |
113 | 114/1 2025/1 |
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23 | 台61線苗栗段99K+200~101K+700平交路口改善工程 Intersection Improvement on Section 98K+780~101K+940 of Provincial Highway No. 61. (Miaoli Section) |
公路局 Highway Bureau, MOTC |
40.3 | 114/1 2025/1 |
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24 | 高雄-屏東間東西向第2條快速公路工程委託技術服務工作(設計含監造) Technical Services for the Design and Supervision of the Second East-West Expressway between Kaohsiung and Pingtung |
公路局 Highway Bureau, MOTC |
30 | 114/6 2025/6 |
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25 | 基隆港西33號、東19號碼頭改建及西28A碼頭後線造地工程 W33&E19&W28A Wharf Reconstruction of Keelung Port |
臺灣港務股份有限公司 Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. |
6.64 | 113/10 2024/10 |
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26 | 高雄港1號碼頭旅客服務中心新建工程 Construction work for tourist information center in wharf #1 of Kaohsiung port |
臺灣港務股份有限公司 Taiwan International Ports Corporation, Ltd. |
4 | 114/5 2025/5 |
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27 | 桃園國際機場供水水網改善及更換智慧水表案 Taoyuan Airport existing water supply system repair and pipe network improvement project |
桃園國際機場股份有限公司 Taoyuan International Airport Corporation Ltd. |
1.657 | 113/9 2024/9 |
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28 | 彰化光復路郵局承續工程 The construction for Changhua Guangfu Road Post Office |
中華郵政股份有限公司 Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. |
5.56 | 113/11 2024/11 |
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29 | 宜蘭頭城郵局承續工程 The construction of Yilan Toucheng Post Office-Continued project |
中華郵政股份有限公司 Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. |
3 | 113/11 2024/11 |
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30 | 臺北信維大樓新建工程 The construction for Xing-Wei building |
中華郵政股份有限公司 Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. |
54.92 | 114/12 2025/12 |
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- 瀏覽人次:9648