A Brief Introduction to the Department of Statistics
Ⅰ. Organization & Staff The Department of Statistics has one Director-general, one Deputy Director-general, responsible for the administration of the statistics businesses by Statistics Act and related rules. The Department also contains senior executive officer, section chiefs, executive officers, and officers. The Department is divided into three divisions, as highlighted in the chart below. |
The MOTC’s Department of Statistics is responsible for collecting and analyzing data on Taiwan’s transportation and communications sectors. Ⅱ. Responsibilities The responsibilities for the Department’s three divisions are as follows: ·Survey Statistics Division The survey statistics division focuses on survey statistics, with its detailed activities including the following: 1. Conducting transportation-related surveys, compiling and publishing the survey results. ·Official Statistics Division The official statistics division focuses on official statistics within the transportation and communications sectors, including the following: 1. Compile annual transportation report, monthly transportation report and main statistical indicators. ·Statistics Administration Division The statistics administration division supports the administration of policy and planning, and its activities include the following: 1. Conducting production value survey on tourism, transportation and storage industries. |
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