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  1. The administrators of MOTC include the Minister, two of the Political Deputy Minister, and the Administrative Deputy Minister.

  2. MOTC is divided into Internal Division and External Division.

  3. Internal Division includes: Department of Planning and Coordination, Department of General Affairs, Department of Personnel, Department of Civil Service Ethics, Department of Accounting, Department of statistics, Department of Legal Affairs, Department of Railways,Highways,and Road Safety, Department of Public Transportation and Supervision, Department of Technology and Information for Transportation,  Department of Industrial Development and International Affairs for Transportation, Department Navigation and Aviation .

  4. External Division includes: Freeway Bureau , Civil Aviation Administration, MOTC , Tourism Administration, Ministry of Transportation and Communications , Highway Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications , Central Weather Administration Ministry of Transportation and Communications , Railway Bureau ,  Maritime and Port BureauInstitute of Transportation , Chunghwa Post Co.,Ltd. , Taiwan Railway Administration , Taoyuan International Airport Corporation Ltd. , Taiwan International Ports Corporation Ltd.
 Minister Political Deputy Minister Political Deputy Minister Administrative Deputy Minister
  • Visitor:9453